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Fintlings  Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid. DET NORSKE VERITAS, BOX 6046, 171 06 SOLNA,  DNV. DET NORSKE VERITAS. PERSONCERTIFIKAT. Certifikat Nr. DNV CERTIFICATION AB, Box 30234, 104 25 Stockholm, Sweden, TEL: +46 8 587 940 00  Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid. DET NORSKE VERITAS CERTIFICATION AB, BOX  DNV GL Sweden AB,556450-3836 - På allabolag.se hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, koncern, koncernträd, styrelse, Status, varumärken, adress mm för DNV GL  30.350.20-1. DNV. DET NORSKE VERITAS.

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SAFER, SMARTER, GREENER Det norske arbeidsmarkedet kjennetegnes ved en stadig økende bruk av arbeidspsykologiske tester. Vi vet lite om det eksakte omfanget, men grove anslag indikerer at det årlig gjennomføres 100.000 tester bare innenfor rekrutteringsområdet. Samtidig med at bruken brer seg, ser vi at kvaliteten på testene som benyttes varierer stort. Dnv Gl Sweden AB är verksam inom teknisk provning och analys och hade totalt 57 anställda 2019.

Le cœur de métier de la Fondation est d’identifier, d’évaluer et de conseiller sur la meilleure méthode pour maîtriser les risques et améliorer la performance opérationnelle de manière sûre et responsable. Job Id: 344.1-000332-37 Certificate No: MEDB00004NK Form code: MED 201.NOR Revision: 2017-07 www.dnvgl.com Page 2 of 3 Product description “BLÜCHER PIPE PENETRATION TYPE 866, 868 AND 870” Kontaktuppgifter till Det Norske Veritas AB GÖTEBORG, adress, telefonnummer, se information om företaget.

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2009-09-08 · DET NORSKE VERITAS TYPE APPROVAL CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE NO. A-11440 This Certificate consists of 3 pages This is to certify that the Misc. detector with type designation(s) Manufactured by Vaisala Oyj HELSINKI, Finland is found to comply with Det Norske Veritas' Rules for Classification of Ships, High Speed & Light Craft and AB Volvo Penta GÖTEBORG, Sweden is found to comply with Det Norske Veritas Rules for Classification of High Speed and Light Craft Det Norske Veritas Rules for Classification of Ships Appiloation The approval is valid for propulsion duty.

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MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATE. Certifikat Nr. 2000-SKM-AQ-734 / 2000-SKM-AE-194. Härmed intygas att.

DET NORSKE VERITAS CERTIFICATION AB, BOX  Godkända certifieringsföretag. Vill du certifiera din Bureau Veritas Certification Sweden, ASI-ACC-016 DNV Business Assurance Sweden AB, ASI-ACC-022 Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid.
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2) According to recognised standards for marine use. Rules for Ships, January 2011 Pt.4 Ch.6 Sec.6 -Page 47 DET NORSKE VERITAS B 200 Relief valves 201 B 300 Hydrostatic tests 301 Pump housings, except those for cargo oil pumps, shall be hydrostatically tested at a pressure of 1.5 times the maximum working pressure.

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ACCREDITED UNIT:DNV CERTIFICATION AB, BOX  Certification performed according to ”Forest Management, PEFC Certification ACCREDITED UNIT:DNV GL BUSINESS ASSURANCE SWEDEN AB, BOX  16 Apr 2014 DET NORSKE VERITAS, BOX 6046, 171 06 SOLNA, SWEDEN. MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATE DNV CERTIFICATION AB,. 20 Feb 2008 ACCREDITED UNIT:DET NORSKE VERITAS CERTIFICATION, INC 1400 RAVELLO DRIVE, 77449, KATY, TX, USA, EPCOS Nordic AB/OY. This certificate is the property of DNV Certification AB and must be returned on request. DET NORSKE VERITAS, Box 6046, 171 06 SOLNA, SWEDEN. TEL: +  prescribed test plan and that the notified body Det Norske Veritas Certification AB has performed the initial type-testing for the relevant characteristics of the  I vårt syfte att säkra liv, egendom och miljö gör DNV GL det möjligt för organisationer att öka säkerheten och hållbarheten i sin verksamhet. Redo för certifiering? Klicka här för en offertförfrågan · Frågor?

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Certifikat Nr. DNV CERTIFICATION AB, Box 30234, 104 25 Stockholm, Sweden, TEL: +46 8 587 940 00  Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid.

2004-11-26 DET NORSKE VERITAS Standard for Certification of Craft, April 2008 Page 10 – Ch.1 Sec.2 SECTION 2 CERTIFICATION SYSTEMATICS A. General A 100 General 101 The relation between the Customer and DNV is regulat- ed in an Agreement signed by both parties. Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Det Norske Veritas World-Valve B.V. is found to comply with Det Norske Veritas’ Standards for certification 2.9 No. 5-794.40 and Det Norske Veritas’ Rules for Classification of ships. The valves may be used in cargo and fuel oil transfer, freshwater, seawater, water ballast, bilge and sanitary that do not require fire safe certification. Certifieringen är utfärdad av Det Norske Veritas (DNV-GL) som utfört en oberoende granskning för att verifiera vetenskapen bakom testet. UPP – certifierade personlighetstest För att garantera tillförlitligheten hos våra test UPP Personality, UPP Problem Solving och UPP StepOne Screen är de DNV-certifierade, alltså dokumenterade och certifierade av Det Norske Veritas (DNV-GL). DET NORSKE VERITAS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATE Ceftificate No. 76841-2010-AE-SWE-SWEDAC This is to certify that colly Flowtech AB at KISTA, SWEDEN has been found to conform to the Management System Standard: ISO 14001:2004 This Certificate is valid for: Import, sales and distribution of industrial flow components such as pumps, quick- Det Norske Veritas – Germanischer Loyd is an independent foundation working with the objective of ‘safeguarding life, property and the environment’, and is a leading provider of safety and reliability services, where classification, certification, verification and advisory services are key activities.