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31 мар 2021 Нужен переводчик? Получите быстрый и бесплатный перевод! Инструмент переводчика · Перейти к произношению surrogate surrogate [ˈsʌrəɡɪt], Существительное surrogate / surrogates , суррогат surrogate [ˈsʌrəɡɪt], Прилагательное surrogate / / , суррогатный. noun A surrogate mother. noun In Freudian psychology, a figure of authority who takes the place of the father or mother in a person's unconscious or emotional life . surrogate - Бесплатный онлайн словарь.
2021 — Annex E (normative) Surrogate wheelchair specifications. This usually means that the occupant restraint system installed by the vehicle. Köp Surrogate Humanity av Neda Atanasoski, Kalindi Vora på
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surrogate Add to list Share. Someone who acts as a surrogate takes the place of another person.
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Changes induced by a therapy on a surrogate endpoint are expected to reflect changes in a clinically meaningful endpoint. A surrogate endpoint is a clinical trial endpoint used as a substitute for a direct measure of how a patient feels, functions, or survives.
2. To appoint (another) as a replacement for oneself. surrogate definition: 1. replacing someone else or used instead of something else: 2. something that replaces or is used…. Learn more.
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n. … 2019-10-29 2018-03-12 What Does Surrogacy Mean for Surrogates?
Surrogate - Swedish translation, definition, meaning, synonyms, pronunciation, transcription, antonyms, examples. English - Swedish Translator. av R Zethraeus · 2020 — born through transnational commercial surrogacy arrangements, and glaring invisibility of the surrogate in media discourse, meaning her
surrogate mother. surrogatmoder ( kvinna som bär i sin livmoder ett barn för en annan kvinna ).
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Surrogate Hindi Meaning - Find the correct meaning of Surrogate in Hindi. It is important to understand the word properly when we translate it from English to Hindi.
händelseinformation — Translation in English - TechDico
Noun · biological research scientific research conducted by biologists · reproductive cloning making a full living copy of an organism; requires a surrogate mother.
What does SURROGATE ENDPOINT mean? SURROGATE ENDPOINT meaning - SURROGATE ENDPOINT defin Surrogate Hindi Meaning - Find the correct meaning of Surrogate in Hindi. It is important to understand the word properly when we translate it from English to Hindi. There are always several meanings of … Surrogate Meaning in Urdu. Translation is "Mutabadil" and Surrogate synonym words Alternate, Deputy, Foster and Replacement.