intellijel Rainmaker 36HP Gear4music


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spiritditch_studio.pd Cylonix Rainmaker 16-tap stereo spectral rhythm delay and comb resonator. The Intellijel/Cylonix RAINMAKER eurorack-format module provides a high-quality  Jan 2, 2018 NEWS | POPULAR | EBAY | REVERB | AMAZON | SUPPORT MATRIXSYNTH! Tuesday, January 02, 2018. Intellijel Cylonix Rainmaker.

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96 kHz / 24 Bit (32 bit internal) signal processing; Many parameters can be controlled via external control voltages directly or via the two auxiliary modulation inputs (MODA, MODB) intellijel Rainmaker (36HP) - The Intellijel Rainmaker is a complex 16-tap stereo rhythm delay and comb resonator providing a high quality sampling rate of kHz and 32-bit internal processing. A highly convenient feature of the Rainmaker is that each tap can be edited individually with functions such as pan, pitch, size and cutoff which is perfect for creating chaotic and weird delays. 2016-08-10 The Intellijel/Cylonix Rainmaker provides a high-quality (96KHz sampling rate with 32-bit internal processing) stereo rhythmic delay and stereo comb resonator effect. The Stereo Rhythm Delay has 16 taps, each with its own resonant 2nd-order filter and granular pitch shifter.

$540 - $600. 1 new from $999 1 used from $600.

Intellijel Rainmaker Cylonix - Miscellaneous Facebook Marketplace

The filters have independently adjustable resonance and cut-off frequency, and can be set to either low-pass, bandpass, high-pass or bypass operation. Intellijel Rainmaker, The Rainmaker, a further collaboration between Intellijel and Cylonix is a 16-tap stereo spectral rhythm delay and comb-filter type resonator.. Moduli Eurorack e accessori, Moduli per effetti, Sintetizzatori e Drum Machine Intellijel Rainmaker, The Rainmaker, a further collaboration between Intellijel and Cylonix is a 16-tap stereo spectral rhythm delay and comb-filter type resonator..

Intellijel rainmaker

Intellijel MUSIC STORE professional en-SE

The intellijel/Cylonix RAiNMAKeReurorack-format module provides a high-quality (96KHz sampling rate with 32- bit internal processing) stereo rhythmic delayand stereo comb resonatoreffect. A delay line in its most basic form takes in an audio signal and then sends it out again, but delayed in time, much like your voice echoes in a large empty hall. Overview They Intellijel / Cylonix Rainmaker is an incredibly full featured digital stereo delay and comb resonator effect for the Eurorack modular format. It's designed around a 16 tap system, with a resonant filter and granular pitch shifter configurable per tap, for extremely complex rhythmic patterns of delay, filtering and pitch manipulation.

First basic setup based around IntelliJel Rainmaker. Hey everybody, I hope it's alright that I ask this question here. I've slowly Elektron territory with a digitone and so happy to get away from a … intellijel Rainmaker (36HP) - Intellijel Rainmaker on monimutkainen 16- Intellijel stereo rytmin delay ja kampa-resonaattori, joka tarjoaa laadukkaan kHz:n ja 32-bittisen sisäisen käsittelyn näytteenottotaajuuden. Rainmakerin erittäin kätevä ominaisuus on, että kutakin hanaa voidaan muokata yksilöllisesti, kuten pan, piki, koko ja katkaisu, joka on täydellinen kaoottisten ja outojen Intellijel Designs Rainmaker. Intellijel Designs.
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Intellijel rainmaker

Between its stereo rhythm delay, comb resonator, and filtering sections, the Intellijel Cylonix Rainmaker Eurorack module is a one-stop-shop for sound mangling and sonic manipulation.

6 699 SEK. 16-Tap stereo delay and comb resonator 96 kHz / 24 Bit (32 bit internal) signal processing, The Intellijel/Cylonix RAINMAKER eurorack-format module provides a high-quality (96KHz sampling rate with 32-bit internal processing) stereo rhythmic delay and stereo comb resonator effect.The stereo rhythm delay has 16 taps, each with its own resonant 2nd-order filter and granular pitch shifter. Th intellijel Rainmaker (36HP) - Nearly New - The Intellijel Rainmaker is a complex 16-tap stereo rhythm delay and comb resonator providing a high quality sampling rate of kHz and 32-bit internal processing.
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Intellijel Designs Rainmaker – Thomann Sverige

Hey everybody, I hope it's alright that I ask this question here. I've slowly Elektron territory with a digitone and so happy to get away from a … intellijel Rainmaker (36HP) - Intellijel Rainmaker on monimutkainen 16- Intellijel stereo rytmin delay ja kampa-resonaattori, joka tarjoaa laadukkaan kHz:n ja 32-bittisen sisäisen käsittelyn näytteenottotaajuuden. Rainmakerin erittäin kätevä ominaisuus on, että kutakin hanaa voidaan muokata yksilöllisesti, kuten pan, piki, koko ja katkaisu, joka on täydellinen kaoottisten ja outojen Intellijel Designs Rainmaker. Intellijel Designs.

Intellijel MUSIC STORE professional en-SE

Intellijel Rainmaker, The Rainmaker, a further collaboration between Intellijel and Cylonix is a 16-tap stereo spectral rhythm delay and comb-filter type resonator.. Effect, Eurorack Modules, Synthesizers and … Creators of electronic musical instruments, eurorack modules, cases, power supplies and accessories. Made with love by robots in Canada.

Intellijel Metropolis Complex Multi Stage Pitch & Gate Sequencer Eurorack Module in Eurorack Module Rainmaker from Intellijel Filter, Tecnologia, Musik. Intellijel Rainmaker - Eurorack Module - 16 tap stereo spectral rhythm delay and comb resonator. Stephen GrecoEurorack · m277 / Tube VCA Produkter, Själv. Musikinstrument tillbehör Intellijel Quadrax; Eurorack module; quad function and Musikinstrument tillbehör Intellijel Designs Rainmaker, 16-Tap stereo delay  Om jag skickar en jobbig signal (typ resonant Serge VCFQ med mycket gain) in till min Intellijel Rainmaker, så kan det verkligen låta hemskt  Intellijel Rainmaker Delay Module / EFX box. $750 (Victoria) bild dölj den här annonsen återställ återställ den här annonsen. $1,000. bild 1 av 5.