ASPO Sverige


Skanska är mer än ett byggföretag - Shortcut

Skanska's Color Palette™ is a strategic framework for. Jul 6, 2020 Wave will be the first office building in the Tri-City to apply for the Skanska project will include pavement made of green concrete with  May 04, 2018 - Green Buildings. Manchester, NH Skanska has been awarded a $44 million contract to construct Southern New Hampshire University's (SNHU)  Sep 29, 2019 Skanska USA has introduced a new open-source database tool, the Embodied Carbon in The assessment of a building's carbon emissions typically focuses on operational carbon, or a Filed Under: Green Building  Proud to support World Green Building Week and the climate discussions happening in New York. Here's a message from our CEO Anders Danielsson, on the Två av Skanskas kontorsfastigheter i Göteborg och Malmö har vunnit Sweden Green Building Councils pris inom LEED-certifierade byggnader. Skanska. Office / 83,000 sq ft. Platinum Certified.

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Skanska strives to be a leader in quality, green construction, work environment and ethics. Skanska startade redan 2013 med att ge bort egen honung till besökarna på Sweden Green Building Conference. Året därpå lanserades bibatteriet som  SGBC-Syd, Skanska och Malmö stad anordnar ett medlemsmöte där man kommer att rikta in sig på erfarenheter från energifrågor och  Green Court Bucharest is Skanska's first commercial development project in Romania. Green Court Skanska säljer kontorsfastigheten Green House i Budapest, Ungern, till den CEE Green Building är den enda LEED Platinum-certifierade kontorsbyggnaden i  Hyllie Terrass är ett av få projekt i Sverige som ingår i Sweden Green Building Councils pilotstudie om att NollCO2-certifiera byggnader. World Green Building Council och World Business. Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).

Bland vinnarna finns Sergelhuset i Stockholm, Masthuggskajen i Göteborg och Region Stockholms utbyggnad av tunnelbanan till Barkaby. Årets person inom hållbart byggande är Hans Wallström, hållbarhetschef Skanska Commercial Development Nordic. Skanska bygger Green Building på Universitetsholmen i Malmö BYGG Skanska fortsätter utvecklingen av Universitetsholmen i kvarteret Nereus i centrala Malmö.

Skanska utvecklar och bygger Green Building på

Nu står det klart att ett av de fyra pilotprojekten, Skanskas kontorsprojekt We are building a green point on the smoke map of Warsaw. Your health and well-being in the workplace is very important to us.

Green building skanska

Skanska vinnare av hållbarhetspriser - Skanska

Skanska building "green" computer center for US Environmental Protection Agency for USD 21 M, SEK 180 M Skanska's US subsidiary Beers has been selected to design and construct the National Computer Center of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Raleigh, North Carolina. The order is valued at USD 21 million, about SEK 180 million.

2. of leasable high quality office space. The Green House has been occupied since December 2012. Skanska Property Hungary developed and owns . the US$ 41 million office building. Skanska leases the building to various tenants and occupies one of the floors. The building has a U-shaped layout Green House is the greenest commercial development project on the Hungarian office market, and the first one to certify for LEED Platinum.
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Green building skanska

Utmärkelsen för Årets LEED-projekt i Sverige har tagits fram av Sweden Green Building Council med syftet att belöna det bästa projekt som certifierats enligt LEED under det gångna året och samtidigt premiera hållbart byggande i Sverige. Longtime leadership within green building.

Among them: A Oct. 24 building dedication, and a tour associated with the U.S. Green Building Council’s massive Greenbuild conference in November.
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Skanska är mer än ett byggföretag - Shortcut

The City Green Court building is equipped with a sophisticated lighting system, which automatically regulates artificial lighting in the interior via occupancy and daylight sensors. It also regulates ventilation by monitoring the interior and exterior CO2 emissions.

Skanskas agenda för hållbar utveckling

Här är Hans Wallström, hållbarhetschef på Skanska Commercial  Green Building Council har utsett årets person inom hållbart byggande. Utmärkelsen går i år till Hans Wallström, hållbarhetschef i Skanska  Prisutdelningen skedde vid den internationella konferensen Building Sustainability, Sweden Green Building Conference 2016 i Stockholm.

Check out our offer in the regions where we operate. Green House can be reached by metro, bus, tram, trolley and car, but the area is also served by multiple bicycle lanes. A wide range of services is provided in the neighborhood, but additional commercial units are also accommodated in the building (restaurant, café, ATM and car wash) to further contribute to an all-around green work experience. Launched by the US Green Building Council and Skanska, Insight helps builders and designers to adopt smarter strategies and enables city leaders to track green building goals. The Kendeda Building, which is pursuing Living Building Challenge certification. The Non-residential Green Building Market report provides a detailed overview of the industry including both qualitative and quantitative information with detailed market segmentation- product type, building type, and geography.