Klassificering - SäkerhetsRådgivarna
Klassificering (EG 1272/2008) 3-AZAPENTAN-1,5-DIAMIN. 30-60%. CAS-nr: 111-40-0. EG nr.: 203-865-4.
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Arton. UN 1000 EG nr. CAS nr. Halt. Symbol. Klassificering nafta (petroleum), väteavsvavlad tung, lågkokande vätebehandlad nafta. 265-185-4.
REACH registreringsnummer: Synonymer:. regelverket (EG) nr 1272/2008. Amnet /blandningen innehaller inga komponenter som anses vara langlivade, bioackumulerande och toxiska 14.1 UN-nummer.
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Correctness guaranteed. The SDGs build on decades of work by countries and the UN, including the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs In June 1992, at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, more than 178 countries adopted Agenda 21 , a comprehensive plan of action to build a global partnership for sustainable development to improve human lives and protect the environment. After decades of steady decline, the number of people who suffer from hunger – as measured by the prevalence of undernourishment – began to slowly increase again in 2015. Current estimates The information contained in AQUASTAT is provided free of charge to all users. Recommended citation: FAO [Year of publication].
Symbol. EG nr. 231-633-2. CAS nr. 7664-38-2. Halt.
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Skall alltid ifyllas där det finns enligt ADR-S eller RID-S Ex. UN-KOD F1 UN-Nummer 1263 M0746 Flextermer.
Auf der Liste bedeutet N.A.G. nicht anderweitig genannt.
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Ytterligare uppgifter ! Anmärkning. Säkerhetsdatablad enligt (EG) nr 1907/2006. Sidan 1 / 5.
Deklaration för farligt gods - Umeå universitet
(exempel. p.) Etiketilor.
EWC kod. OLJOR. Farligt avfall. JA. ADR / Farligt gods. JA. UN nummer. 3082, 3295. Insamlingsmaterial.