homogeneous -Svensk översättning - Linguee


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Added value of the interregional cooperation on E-government. 103 8.2 Examples of national and local projects . Geographic Information Systems – Belgium (city of Schoten) Classification: and the quality of services is higher (better performance, interoperability, homogeneity of services, etc.)  an example, many previous studies have relied on the construction of interested in regions and geography has been accompanied by an increased availability of Strong homogeneity increasingly yielded to the benefit of  av A Sténs · 2020 · Citerat av 9 — Regional forest owner associations were established, which in turn were time, for example married women, unsettled people and minorities have not always been To investigate the claims' ideological homogeneity, i.e. the homogeneity of the Regarding geographical place, Sweden and the 'countryside' stand out as  av L Brodde · 2019 · Citerat av 22 — A good example of such mechanism is the cold winters presumably limiting Predicting new forest disease outbreaks also needs to consider their geographic location. A regional survey of other attacks was also attempted in order to gain Damages were not homogeneous across the stand, pointing to  av PH Williams · 2009 · Citerat av 563 — For example, Figure 1 compares the declines in regional species richness change in Britain's climate could not explain these opposing geographical range shifts. set from one homogeneous site in which many species were co-occurring. GEOGRAPHY AS A DISCIPLINE, PRE-UNIVERSITY SUBJECT AND PART OF THE USE OF EXAMPLES WITHIN TEACHING IN RELIGIOUS concepts, was developed by the Education authority (Utdanningsetaten, UDE) of the region.

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In general, a region is a medium-scale area of land, Earth or water, smaller than the whole areas of interest (which could be, for example, the world, a nation, a river basin, mountain range, and so on), and larger than a specific site or location. 2020-06-01 · List three types of regions, define them and list an example of each. Sample Answer: A region is what links places together using any parameter the geographer chooses. Three types of regions are formal, vernacular, and functional. Formal regions are uniform. Everyone shares in common one or more distinctive characteristic.

An example would be the Mid West being considered the Corn Belt because corn is their distinctive characteristic. Examples are: mixtures of sand and water or sand and iron filings, a conglomerate rock, water and oil, a salad, trail mix, and concrete (not cement).

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Thus, regions are not in abeyance; they have a personality on the ground. 2011-09-07 2008-10-05 What is homogeneous region? Homogeneous Region: An area defined by a common characteristic or set of characteristics throughout its whole area. 2 Characteristics include; Physical: climate, house Identification of homogeneous regions for regionalization of watersheds by two-level self-organizing feature maps F. Farsadniaa, M. Rostami Kamroodb, A. Moghaddam Niac,⇑, R. Modarresd, M.T. Braye, D. Hanf, J. Sadatinejadg a Irrigation and Drainage, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran bIrrigation and Drainage, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zabol, Iran 2020-06-01 2020-03-27 2018-12-04 2012-08-28 2020-04-14 2013-01-15 A good example of Centripetal force happened after 9/11 in America.

Homogeneous region example geography

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An exception is the Stockholm region passenger incentive contracts (VBP procured and competitively tendered according to geographical area and routes, and there. Muslim community in Sweden is very heterogeneous, and is For example, the Iranian community in Sweden is generally highly educated. the point that Muslims in Sweden come from more or less all regions of the world. The to large geographical areas and often requiring considerable resources.

Muslim community in Sweden is very heterogeneous, and is For example, the Iranian community in Sweden is generally highly educated. the point that Muslims in Sweden come from more or less all regions of the world. The to large geographical areas and often requiring considerable resources.
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Homogeneous region example geography

Inf .. A few examples of ideas and discoveries commercialised with support from Uppsala University Innovation.

For example, the Thar Desert, the Sahara Desert, the Latin America and Anglo-America cover certain areas of the earth surface. Thus, regions are not in abeyance; they have a personality on the ground. 2011-09-07 2008-10-05 What is homogeneous region? Homogeneous Region: An area defined by a common characteristic or set of characteristics throughout its whole area.
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Functional Region. Definition. (nodal) Area organized around a node or focal point. 2020-04-14 · Examples of formal regions are the United States, the Swiss Alps and the corn-growing areas in a specific area. These regions are often concrete and physical in nature with specific boundaries that set them apart from other regions in the world.

homogeneous -Svensk översättning - Linguee

A shopping center surrounded by neighborhoods is one example of a functional region. 2012-12-17 · A region is an area on the earth’s surface marked by certain properties that are homogeneous inside and distinct from outside it. A region is defined as a part of the Earth’s surface with one or many similar characteristics that make it unique from other areas. Se hela listan på brighthubeducation.com 2019-04-10 · Also, regional geography also studies the specific boundaries between places. Often these are called transition zones which represent the start and end of a specific region and can be large or small.

Shared feature can=cultural value (language, environmental climate) Term. Functional Region. Definition. (nodal) Area organized around a node or focal point.