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In particular, the  12 Feb 2021 On 8th February 2021, Tethys Oil announced the results of ERCE's independent Reserves and Resources evaluation of its Block 3&4 assets in Oman. The full press For more information on how ERCE can support your s In case of any commercial oil or gas discovery, agreement will be transformed into 15-year with Swedish energy company Tethys Oil for an initial three-year exploration The Block 58 onshore Oman is adjacent to Tethys Oil's oper 27 Oct 2020 Tethys Oil will publish the interim report for the third quarter 2020 on The company's core area is the Sultanate of Oman, where it holds  8 Jan 2021 Tethys Oil, through its wholly owned subsidiary Tethys Oil Montasar Ltd, has signed a contract with Abraj Energy Services for the provision of the  10 Jul 2020 Oman and Swedish company Tethys Oil have signed an exploration The EPSA for Block 58 covers an initial three-year exploration period  20 May 2020 Stockopedia rates Tethys Oil AB as a Adventurous Super Stock . $101.1M. Net incomedecreased 91% to $3.3M.

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Tethys Oil’s core area is Oman, where the company holds 2P Reserves of 22 mmbo and 2C Contingent Resources of 17 mmbo and had an average oil production of 12,162 barrels per day from Blocks 3&4 during 2017. Reports, annual accounts, shareholder data and filing documents of Tethys Oil Oman Limited, Gibraltar, company number 95212 2012-08-27 Tethys Oil has announced that the Government of the Sultanate of Oman and Tethys Oil have entered into an Exploration and Production Sharing Agreement (EPSA) for Block 58 onshore Oman.The block is located in the southern part of the Sultanate adjacent to Tethys Oil’s operated exploration licence Block 49. Tethys Oil will through its wholly owned subsidiary Tethys Oil Qatbeet Limited be the 09 Nov 2017. Tethys Oil has announced that it will be awarded a new exploration license by the Ministry of Oil and Gas of the Sultanate of Oman. Block 49 is an onshore block that covers a prospective but still rather unexplored area in the South West of the Sultanate bordering the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Tethys Oil will through its wholly owned Tethys Oil is an independent E&P company with its core operation in Oman. Tethys is the partner on Blocks 3&4, which produces ~13,000 boe/d net to Tethys before government take.

Genom det helägda dotterbolaget Tethys Oil Oman Onshore har Tethys Oil tecknat avtal med Medco Arabia, som är ett helägt dotterbolag till det indonesiska bolaget PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk. Tethys Oil har fått tillgång till över 11 000 kilometer 2D seismik som samlats in av tidigare operatörer. Nio borrningar har genomförts på licensområdet, varav flera uppgetts ha påträffat spår av olja.

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Det framgår av ett pressmeddelande. Genom det helägda dotterbolaget Tethys Oil Oman Onshore har Tethys Oil tecknat avtal med Medco Arabia, som är ett helägt dotterbolag till det indonesiska bolaget PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk. Tethys Oil har fått tillgång till över 11 000 kilometer 2D seismik som samlats in av tidigare operatörer. Nio borrningar har genomförts på licensområdet, varav flera uppgetts ha påträffat spår av olja.

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Tethys Oil : Stolt "ägare" till 30,000 kvadratkilometer av Oman

Tethys Oil (7) Tethys Oil - Riktkurs och Litauen (1) Tethys oil återköpsprogram olja (1) Träff (1) Fullbevakade bolag Fastpartner är ett börsnoterat fastighetsbolag som äger, förvaltar och utvecklar i huvudsak kommersiella fastigheter i Sveriges största befolkningscentrum.

Block 58 is located in the Dhofar Governorate in the southern part of Oman and covers an area of 4,557 km 2.
Orf programmvorschau

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Tethys Oil AB (publ) Tethys Oil is a Swedish oil company with focus on onshore areas with known oil discoveries. The company’s core area is the Sultanate of Oman, where it holds interests in Blocks 3&4, Block 49 and Block 56.

Tethys kärnområde är Oman, där bolaget har 21,4 miljoner fat i bevisade och sannolika oljereserver och en oljeproduktion omkring 12 000 fat om dagen från Block 3 och 4. Tethys Oil Montasar Limited Tethys Oil is a Swedish oil company with focus on onshore areas with known oil discoveries. Tethys Oil’s core area is Oman, where the company holds 2P Reserves of 22 mmbo and 2C Contingent Resources of 17 mmbo and had an average oil production of 12,162 barrels per day from Blocks 3&4 during 2017.
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Tethys Oil redovisar ett rörelseresultat på ebitda-nivå på 27,9 miljoner dollar för det andra kvartalet 2019 (24,3). Resultatet efter skatt blev 17,3 miljoner dollar för det (15). Resultatet per aktie uppgick till 0:51 dollar (0:44). During the period 25 – 29 January 2021, Tethys Oil AB (publ) has repurchased a total of 14,000 of its own shares.

Kontakt – Tethysoil

16 nov. 2020 — Tethys Oil's share of the production, before government take, from Blocks The Official Selling Price (OSP) for Oman Export Blend Crude Oil for the was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set  Tethys Oil komplett bolagsfakta & börsnyheter från Analysguiden. For further information, please contact Magnus Nordin, managing director, pho Tethys Oil AB Tethys Oil: Produktionsandel Block 3,4 Oman 11.345 fat/dag i mars (Ny). Continued production increase from blocks 3&4 in Oman is the main opportunity for Tethys Oil, where positive reserve revisions will be an important factor for  6 juli 2020 — Tethys Oil har med myndigheterna i Oman ingått ett prospekterings- Imints Vidhance-mjukvara ska användas i Motorolas nya smartphone. 21 juni 2017 — Magnus Nordin, Managing Director, phone +46 8 505 947 00 Tethys Oil's core area is Oman, where the company holds 2P reserves of 21  4 aug. 2020 — Tethys Oil will publish the interim report for the second quarter 2020 on Tuesday 11 Petter Hjertstedt, Acting CFO, phone +46 8 505 947 00 The company's core area is the Sultanate of Oman, where it holds interests in  Tethys Oils andel av produktion vid Oman 11 481 fat olja per dag i december. Oljeproducenten Tethys Oils andel av produktionen på Block 3 & 4 onshore  Tethys Oil. NOTERA: Dessa sidor är för närvarande under uppbyggnad, och jan, TETHYS OIL: INLETT PROSPEKTERINGSBORRNING PÅ BLOCK 49, OMAN Financial Products & Advise, Swedbank, 105 34 Stockholm, tel 08-5859 0000.

Det framgår av ett pressmeddelande. Genom det helägda dotterbolaget Tethys Oil Oman Onshore har Tethys Oil tecknat avtal med Medco Arabia, som är ett helägt dotterbolag till det indonesiska bolaget PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk. Tethys Oil har fått tillgång till över 11 000 kilometer 2D seismik som samlats in av tidigare operatörer. Nio borrningar har genomförts på licensområdet, varav flera uppgetts ha påträffat spår av olja. En av dessa borrningar är Dauka-1, som 1955 blev det första borrhålet som borrades i Oman.