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Blacktown City Libraries - How to use the Pressreader app
PressReader has the largest selection of newspapers and magazines from over 120 countries in over 60 languages. That’s 7,000 trusted publications on a single platform. And readers can instantly translate articles in up to 18 languages. Put simply, the PressReader experience is one-of-a-kind. To get started, click on the PressReader logo in the top-center of the Home Feed and scroll down to Sections. Here, you can see what topics are already visible in your Home Feed.
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- - Whenever, wherever - - Download complete issues to read offline or save data while you’re on the go. Set automatic downloads to never miss a beat Tag @pressreader and hashtag #pressreader on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Excellent examples of where to place collateral are: TV’s located throughout your library, tables, by your help desk or check out area, social media, or your own website. Welcome to Connecting People through News.
You will have complimentary access to PressReader’s publications for three days, even after you leave the library. However, access to The Straits Times , The Business Times and Lianhe Zaobao is only available while you are connected to the Wireless@SGx network at any library. PressReader provides interactive, digital access to nearly 7,000 of the world's best newspapers and magazines.
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Enjoy news stories and articl… Note: It is best to use the link from Christchurch City Libraries website to get to PressReader so it knows your account is linked to Christchurch City Libraries. PressReader App Expand Download the PressReader app for Apple or Android devices and read your favourite PressReader newspapers and magazines in a format designed for your phone or tablet. Tag @pressreader and hashtag #pressreader on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Excellent examples of where to place collateral are: TV’s located throughout your library, tables, by your help desk or check out area, social media, or your own website.
Browse PressReader. Get the PressReader app. Google Play store logo. English.
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- - Whenever, wherever - - Download complete issues to read offline or save data while you’re on the go. With new geometrical logo that utilised a bespoke geometrical grotesque and by styling its name as a compound noun, PressReader has strengthened its identity as balanced and relevant. The wordmark is complimented by Harmonia Sans type face, which is used for all visual communications. PressReader gives you unlimited access to thousands of magazines and newspapers from around the world so you can stay connected to the stories you love. Use your Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or free PressReader account to get started.
PressReader Söndag Aftonbladet: 2019 09 15 Låt kragen
This platform provides access to more than 7,000 current newspapers Download the app or browse PressReader online. Browse PressReader. Get the PressReader app.
Put simply, the PressReader experience is one-of-a-kind. To get started, click on the PressReader logo in the top-center of the Home Feed and scroll down to Sections.