Immunovia AB - Cision News


Immunovia AB: Immunovia Announces Investor Relations Changes

Här hittar du pressmeddelanden, nyheter, prospekt, presentationer och finansiell information om Immunovia AB. Dessutom finns det information om aktien, ägarna, insiderhandel, kalender och den finansiella situationen. Vänligen kontakta vår IR-ansvarige, om du har frågor. The principle task of Immunovia´s Investor Relations is to provide investors and the capital market with accurate, relevant and timely information that facilitates an understanding of the operations of Immunova AB. Contact Investor Relations for details: Patrik Dahlen, CEO Immunovia. Email: Tel: +46 73 376 76 64 Immunovia. Forskningsbolaget Immunovias relativt nya vd Patrik Dahlen tar över ansvaret för investerarrelationer (IR) efter att IR-chefen Julie Silber valt att lämna för nya utmaningar utanför bolaget. Det framgår av ett pressmeddelande.

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Spotlight. Segment. Visit their IR Page Immunovia AB. Total report 33. Health Care · No Logo · OssDsign AB. Total report 1. Genentech, Inc. Humanizuoti anti-d-faktoriaus antikūnai ir jų panaudojimai GB0910620D0 (en), 2009-06-19, 2009-08-05, Immunovia Ab, Agents and uses  5 Le rapport n'indique que 2 PMEs (Immunovia et Svenska Aerogel), mais une troisième société (Mantex) s'est introduite en Avril 2017. 7,1, 11,6. Suède, Immunovia, 0,3, -, 1,3, -, 117,4, 6 130,8, -.

One day a year they have to t An official website of the United States Government Contents of Directory irs-ccbs Parent Directory An official website of the United States Government Contents of Directory irs-trty Parent Directory Affärsvärlden har 23 år i rad utsetts till bästa affärsmagasin i en undersökning bland börs-vd:ar, finanschefer, ir-chefer och aktieproffs. Nyhetsbrev. Genom att  7 dec 2020 anslöt sig till Immunovias team som IR-ansvarig.

Investerare - Immunovia

“Vi uppskattar alla de insatser som Julie bidragit med sedan hon anslöt sig till Immunovias team som IR-ansvarig. Vi tackar henne för den här tiden på Immunovia,” säger Patrik Dahlen, VD för Immunovia. Immunovia är ett diagnostikföretag som utvecklar och kommersialiserar blodtest för tidig upptäckt av cancer och autoimmuna sjukdomar. Immunovias nye vd Patrik Dahlen tar över ir-uppgifter.

Immunovia ir

Nyheter Archives - Immunovia

Immunovia AB Dec 07, 2020, 11:35 ET. Share this article. Share this article. LUND Sweden, Dec. 7, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Immunovia AB Immunovia AB (publ) ("Immunovia") a near-commercial stage diagnostics company developing ground-breaking antibody-based multiplex microarray technology platform called IMMray™ for the early LUND, SWEDEN – Immunovia AB (publ) (“Immunovia”) today provides an update on the status of the company’s activities and as previously reported (Webinar Dec 17, 2020 (, Immunovia will initiate sales start in Q1 2021 of the company’s first test, IMMray™ PanCan-d designed for early detection of pancreatic cancer. CEO, Patrik Dahlen will assume the Investor Relations duties immediately. "We appreciate the many contributions Julie made since joining the Immunovia team as Director of IR. We would like to thank Julie for her time at Immunovia," stated Patrik Dahlen, CEO of Immunovia. For more information, please contact: Patrik Dahlen, CEO Immunovia The latest tweets from @immunovia Immunovia today announced improved performance of its blood based IMMray™ PanCan-d biomarker signature together with CA 19-9, in a clinical retrospective study. The study was designed to evaluate Immunovia AB (publ) ("Immunovia") a near-commercial stage diagnostics company developing ground-breaking antibody-based multiplex microarray technology platform called IMMray™ for the early Immunovia AB is a diagnostic company that is developing and commercializing highly accurate blood tests for the early detection of cancer and autoimmune diseases based on Immunovia's proprietary LUND Sweden, Dec. 7, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Immunovia AB (publ) ("Immunovia") a near-commercial stage diagnostics company developing ground-breaking antibody-based multiplex microarray technology platform called IMMray™ for the early detection of cancer, announced today that Julie Silber, Senior Director of Investor Relations has stepped down from her position to pursue other Immunovia AB is a diagnostic company that is developing and commercializing highly accurate blood tests for the early detection of cancer and autoimmune diseases based on Immunovia's proprietary Immunovia AB (publ) ("Immunovia") today announced the company will host a Virtual Investor Day on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm CET. Immunovia AB announces appointment of Senior Director of Investor Relations Tue, Feb 12, 2019 13:57 CET. LUND, SWEDEN - (Nasdaq Stockholm: IMMNOV), to strengthen IR and shareholder communication Immunovia today announced that Julie Silber has joined as Director of Investor Relations.

Immunovia AB är ett svenskt börsnoterat medicinsk teknik-företag.
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Immunovia ir

anslöt sig till Immunovias team som IR-ansvarig. Vi tackar henne för den här tiden på Immunovia,” säger Patrik Dahlen, VD för Immunovia. IR-ansvarig på Immunovia avgår. Immunovias vd Patrik Dahlen tar över ansvaret för investerarrelationer.

"För att kunna gå vidare med den blinda valideringsstudien … LUND Sweden, Dec. 7, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Immunovia AB (publ) ("Immunovia") a near-commercial stage diagnostics company developing ground-breaking antibody-based multiplex microarray technology platform called IMMray™ for the early detection of cancer, announced today that Julie Silber, Senior Director of Investor Relations has stepped down from her position to pursue other opportunities Our Investor Relations pages present published information about INVISIO, the share, ownership structure and data on future information and presentation events.
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Artiklar med sökord: styrud - Nordiske Medier Newsroom

Immunovia reports positive results of the blinded clinical validation of IMMray [TM] PanCan-d blood test in USA. Archive. Immunovias nye vd Patrik Dahlen tar över ir-uppgifter. Publicerad: 07 december 2020, 18:07 Immunovia tillkännager förändringar inom Investor Relations mån, dec 07, 2020 17:15 CET. LUND, SVERIGE – Immunovia AB (publ) (“Immunovia”), ett diagnostikföretag nära kommersiell fas som utvecklar en banbrytande antikroppsbaserad multiplex microarray-teknologiplattform för tidig upptäckt av cancer som går under namnet IMMray ®, meddelar idag att Julie Silber, Senior Director of Den 29 mars lämnade Immunovia data från två studier - en med valideringsstudien av IMMray PanCan-d, som var nödvändig för att gå vidare med kommersialiseringsplaner, och en med uppdaterade data för att hitta sjukdomen hos tidiga patienter (Stadie I / II) ).

Om Immunovia. Immunovia AB grundades 2007 av forskare från Institutionen för immunteknologi vid Lunds universitet och CREATE Health, strategiskt centrum för translationell cancerforskning i Lund, Sverige. "We appreciate the many contributions Julie made since joining the Immunovia team as Director of IR. We would like to thank Julie for her time at Immunovia," stated Patrik Dahlen , CEO of Immunovia Announces Investor Relations Changes Mon, Dec 07, 2020 17:15 CET. LUND, SWEDEN – Immunovia AB (publ) (“Immunovia”) a near-commercial stage diagnostics company developing ground-breaking antibody-based multiplex microarray technology platform called IMMray™ for the early detection of cancer, announced today that Julie Silber, Senior Director of Investor Relations has … De senaste tweetarna från @immunovia Immunovia.