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Interest Coverage Ratio (Earnings Basis). 12.08 The entry of a fresh market or a fresh product during that period is the catalyst for the buyers to calculate the Pro Forma EBITDA TTM and assume the possible and margins. View TTM financial statements in full. 1 Day; TTM 2.60%; DJIA 0.67%; S&P 500 1.09%; Automotive 1.20% Enterprise Value to EBITDA 4.35.
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This is a key financial measure EBITDA (Mil) (TTM), $-30.57.
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Support Dashboard. General Information Data Feeds & Dictionaries API Excel Add-In. 1 = TTM data ending with Q1 (indicated fiscal year Q1 + prior fiscal year Q4, Q3, & Q2) Tata Motors reported 100.54B in EBITDA for its fourth fiscal quarter of 2014. Find out all the key statistics for Under Armour, Inc. (UAA), including valuation measures, fiscal year financial statistics, trading record, share statistics and more.
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Ultra Clean UCTT:US, $ 44.3M, 1.7M, 2020-12. Vishay Intertechnology VSH:US uppköpskandidat i en bransch under konsolidering.
View TTM financial statements in full. 1 Day; TTM 2.60%; DJIA 0.67%; S&P 500 1.09%; Automotive 1.20% Enterprise Value to EBITDA 4.35. Dec 21, 2020 TTM Seller Revenue (B), $1.1. TTM Seller EBITDA (M), $160.8.
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This important multiple is often used in conjunction with, or as an alternative to, the PE Ratio to determine the fair market value of a company.. As of today (2021-04-20), Tata Motors's stock price is $19.260000.Tata Motors's Earnings per Share (Diluted) for the trailing twelve months (TTM Summary. TTM adjusted EBITDA reached $105.4 million at the end of September 2018.
29,8%. EBITDA. 161,9.
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It is measured by using the income statements from a company's reports (such as interim, quarterly or annual reports), to calculate the income for the twelve-month period immediately prior to the date of the report. Adjusted EBITDA for the fourth quarter of 2019 was $111.3 million, or 15.5 percent of net sales, compared to adjusted EBITDA of $117.4 million, or 16.5 percent of net sales, for the fourth quarter of 2018 and $103.5 million, or 14.4 percent of net sales, for the third quarter of 2019. The net debt-to- EBITDA (earnings before interest depreciation and amortization) ratio is a measurement of leverage, calculated as a company's interest-bearing liabilities minus cash or cash TTM NoXygen ® kan öka energieffektiviteten i värmesystemet med 5% eller mer.. TTM NoXygen® undertrycksavgasare tar bort all luft i systemvätskan. Visste du att 75 % av alla felanmälningar från boende i flerbostadshus gäller allt för låga temperaturer inomhus pga för låg energieffektivitet! The TTM multiple refers to the multiple applied to the trailing or last 12 months of a specific financial metric such as the revenue, net earnings, or EBITDA of a company.
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EV-to-EBITDA is calculated as enterprise value divided by its EBITDA. As of today, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co's enterprise value is $582,647 Mil.Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co's EBITDA for the trailing twelve months (TTM) ended in Dec. 2020 was $31,451 Mil.Therefore, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co's EV-to-EBITDA for today is 18.53. How to Calculate TTM EBITDA? You can calculate the twelve trailing months EBITDA by taking the income statements that cover those months and adding any TTM amortization, tax, and depreciation expenses.
A company's trailing 12-month dividends per share divided by the company's trailing 12 month earnings per share. Determining the multiple of EBITDA (by industry) to use for company valuation can be a challenging and debated decision. There are many attributes that factor P/E Ratio TTM, -, 38.35. Price to Sales TTM · Gross margin TTM, 17.05%, 53.77% .