Immunicum AB publ Announces Updated Executive


Immunicum AB publ Delårsrapport Januari – september 2020

Following the merger, Immunicum is a company with a rich, advanced clinical pipeline, in-house research and process development capabilities and leading science in allogeneic dendritic cell The combination of Immunicum and DCprime will enable the newly unified organization to advance a synergistic pipeline spanning both large and orphan indications in solid as well as blood-borne In the meantime, Immunicum will seek to expand its pipeline with the goal of becoming a cell therapy powerhouse. To enable this, the Company will continue to move its preclinical development pipeline forward as well as search for additional, potentially synergistic cell therapies that could complement ilixadencel. Following the merger, Immunicum is a company with a rich, advanced clinical pipeline, in-house research and process development capabilities and leading science in allogeneic dendritic cell biology, putting us in a position of strength to build a global biopharmaceutical company in the field of cancer immunotherapies,” said Erik Manting, CEO of Immunicum. Complementary Organizations & Clinical Pipeline As one organization, Immunicum and DCprime can effectively and strategically develop the combined pipeline of novel, next-generation, off-the-shelf “Jeroen has over 20 years of experience in pioneering innovative cell therapies and late-stage drug development, which will be invaluable to Immunicum as we advance our expanded pipeline through Immunicum is leveraging its unparalleled expertise in dendritic cell biology to develop novel, off-the-shelf, cell-based therapies for solid and blood-borne tumors.

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Immunicums pipeline, klicka för större bild. As one organization, Immunicum and DCprime can effectively and strategically develop the combined pipeline of novel, next-generation, off-the-shelf cell-based therapies to treat both solid and blood-borne tumors, extending the breadth of therapeutic impact as well as the total number of cancer patients these treatments could aid. Immunicum’s lead candidate, ilixadencel, just got a big boost in its development by being granted regenerative medicine advanced therapy designation by the FDA. The regulatory measure is designed to get promising new cell or gene therapies to market faster, and a clear signal that the FDA sees high potential in ilixadencel. Med en gemensam organisation kan Immunicum och DCprime effektivt och strategiskt utveckla den kombinerade pipelinen med unika, nästa generations lagringsbara (eng. off-the-shelf) cellbaserade terapier för att kunna behandla både solida och hematologiska tumörer, vilket breddar det kliniska värdet och det totala antalet cancerpatienter som är möjliga att behandla.

Expanded Access / Compassionate Use Policy. Immunicum is focused on demonstrating the therapeutic value of ilixadencel and DCP-001 through a broad clinical pipeline that supports a rapid path to commercialization and patient access.

PI 3/20 - Publication

2020 — The Phase II MERECA study is the most advanced trial in the R&D pipeline. As a reminder, Immunicum presented detailed results from its  för 10 timmar sedan — gått starkt den Dess immunonkologiska pipeline innehåller Ceplene, -studio-​immunicum-och-dcprime-gar-samman-inom-immunonkologi/. IMMUNICUM: ERIK MANTING NY VD, SVEN ROHMANN KVAR SOM RÅDGIVARE.

Immunicum pipeline

Immunonkologi Archives - Cancerforskning räddar liv

Immunicum is advancing a novel cell-based approach to treat hematologic and solid tumors.

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Immunicum pipeline

Sammanslagningen av de två bolagen utökar vår pipeline, skapar flera möjliga Pressmeddelande 8 december 2020 Immunicum AB (publ) offentliggör ytterligare information kring den föreslagna transaktionen och sa Immunicum has announced that Jeroen Rovers, M.D., Ph.D., has been appointed to the position of Chief Medical Officer (CMO). Rovers transitions from his role as Managing Director of DCprime and continues to serve on Immunicum’s management team. Immunicum has received Orphan Drug Designation (ODD) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for ilixadencel. Ilixadencel is a cell-based, off-the-shelf immune primer, for the treatment of Soft Tissue Sarcoma (STS).

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Rovers'  Aug 6, 2019 Neoantigen Targeted Therapies: Pipeline Analysis 4.4. Immunicum; Immunomic Therapeutics; Immunovative Therapies; IMV Technologies  Jul 4, 2019 Immunicum, founded in Stockholm in 2002, is a clinical-stage Currently in its pipeline are Remetinostat for cutaneous T cell lymphoma,  Dec 17, 2012 Boryung Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. – Product Pipeline Review – 2012 Immunicum AB Product Pipeline Review 2015 - Immunicum ab  19 nov 2020 Det nya bolaget kommer att ha en gemensam teknikplattform och pipeline inom solida samt blodbaserade tumörer med två program i klinisk fas  Pipeline Prospector delivers free access to a database of current global drug development deals and pipeline data.

Immunicum - Updated Phase II MERECA data positive Edison

Förra veckan tillkännagav svenska Immunicum att man ingått ett avtal med Van Herk Investments om att förvärva alla aktier i DCprime, ett holländskt bolag i  16 mars 2021 — Immunicum AB (publ) meddelar förändringar i ledningsgruppen efter Efter samgåendet är Immunicum ett bolag med en bred klinisk pipeline,  30 sep. 2020 — Under tiden kommer Immunicum att försöka utöka sin pipeline med målet att bli ett heltäckande cellterapibolag.

Sammantaget innebär detta att vi är välpositionerade för att skapa ett globalt biofarmaceutiskt bolag inom fältet immunterapier för behandling av cancer. Developing innovative cancer immunotherapies. Immunicum is advancing a novel cell-based approach to treat hematologic and solid tumors. Learn more.